Friday, December 5, 2008

Countdown - 4 days

Went to the grocery yesterday to pick up my birthday boy's favorite foods for his lunch party on Sunday. My brother, sil, nephew, my parents and the neighbor and his little girl are coming over. The plan was to make broccoli cheese soup but my friend convinced me that time is money and to just buy it instead of preparing it myself. I bought tubs of premade soup at the Vons, which will be just fine because it's delicious! I bought cheddar cheese and just need the sourdough bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches. I have chips and soda and there's also a big jar of pickles but frankly, the boy eats so many pickles he's starting to smell like one! Blow up a few balloons, lay out the table decorations he chose, and put out the soon-to-be-created-specially-designed birthday cake and we'll be set to rock! Wonder if I should plan any birthday games for the 3 kids that will be there? They'll probably just run around like nuts anyway.

Here he was on his 3rd birthday, reveling in the joy of a cupcake!

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