Monday, September 13, 2010

It does run in the family

I am requesting prayers for my mom, who was just diagnosed with breast cancer today.

My Mom, taken Sept 5th, 2010

We didn't think cancer ran in our family. But apparantly now it does. It runs in MY family. On both sides of my family. As some of you know, my dad has terminal renal (kidney) cancer and has been maintaining his health with generous doses of daily medication for the last two years. Hearing the news about Mom has been a total shock.

With my Dad, Christmas 2009

She'd gone for her regular doctor's appointment two months ago. They did a routine breast exam and didn't detect anything unusal. However last week after her yearly mammogram, she received a call the next day saying that they'd found something suspicious.

With her grandsons on my son's birthday, Dec 2009

They had her come in the next day for another mammogram because they thought it might be a cyst. It wasn't.

So they did an ultrasound, thinking it might be a fatty mass of tissue. It wasn't.

With my brother, Christmas 2008

So they took four samples of the mass via a needle biopsy. They inserted a piece of metal inside her and her doctor said it was so the surgical team would know exactly what spot to operate on. They didn't tell her right away that it was cancer... but she suspected that it was based on how they were talking.

Me and my mom, Christmas 2009

So now we'll wait and see what the surgical team has to say, what they say will be her next step...likely a lumpectomy followed by 2 months of radiation treatments.

Please send up some prayers for her health and recovery, to my Dad in his continuing struggle, and to my brother and me as we struggle ourselves knowing now that cancer does run in our family.

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