Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Buzz


Hearts & Love
We are saving for a possible family vacation during spring break this year, so we mutually agreed to not buy Valentine's gifts this year. Not that we ever make a big deal out of Valentine's Day anyway... I spent the night before making cupcakes for The Boy's class.


There aren't very many M&Ms in that jar anymore...

I made party popcorn and bagged it up for him to give to his friends. I also made a batch of Rice Krispies treats that I'd intended to bag up for The Girl to take to school but ran out of time this morning. Oh well, more treats for us!


When the kids got home from school they happily showed off all their fun treats and cards.


They've been working their way through their candy with a piece a night. I love candy, it's been hard to keep my hands off!


Back to Normal
The Boy had his ear surgery last week and it went perfectly smooth and he was back to normal very quickly. He was even up for an outing with me. We went to Balboa Park and walked all over. We even went to the Natural History Museum, which I'd not been to in over 10 years.

Highlight: The amazing Gem & Mineral display and all of the gorgeous butterflies. This rock studded with opal was incredible, I'd love to get this photo hung on the wall.


Like a Champ
The sleeping schedule is still going perfectly. I couldn't ask for better, Baby D is sleeping like a champ and going to bed by himself in his crib every night. He is such a happy guy, although I've noticed in the evenings (now that I'm back to work), he definitely wants me to hold him more. No surprise. He's used to having me 24/7 and now he's gone at my parent's house for 9 hours.

Sleeping his way through the museum

He has just discovered his hands this week, which means they are in his mouth all the time. He was slurping so loud yesterday, the enthusiasm was hilarious to watch!


What a dish!
A friend shared this incredible Crock Pot recipe, you have to try this. Danny had two bowls at dinner and again for breakfast the next day. Next time I make it (and there will be a next time!), I'm going to make mashed potatoes because the sauce would be so good with them. Search Fabio Viviani, this is the Dark Beer & Black Pepper Braised Short Ribs.


A Sweet Mess
While cleaning out the fridge this weekend, my husband was holding a huge bottle of teriyaki sauce. He squeezed it and the cap burst off! Teriyaki sauce splashed over the top of the stove, into the burners, down the front and sides of the oven (and inside too, as we would find out later when we cooked something!), on the knife block, and all over the floor and kitchen mat. What a horrible, sticky mess!

My husband's entire left pant leg and sock were saturated and his tee was splattered with sauce, so his clothes went into the washer. Stripped down to his skivvies, he proceeded to clean up the kitchen. He had to pull out the stove away from the wall because the teriyaki had run underneath. I stood nearby so he could hand me the cleaning rags and I could rinse. It took a full hour to clean up. But he didn't complain once, just got the job done, and I love him for that. He only teased me a little bit about not screwing the cap on straight the last time I used the bottle...oops!

Highlight of the weekend:
Watching him in his boxer briefs scrubbing the kitchen floor *wink* No picture of that one...

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