Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Weekend that Was - My Birthday

Yep, another year come and gone.


There is something to be said for having your birthday fall on a holiday weekend. Every 7 years or so your birthday is on the actual holiday and you're pretty much guaranteed a day off work and probably some sort of BBQ.

That didn't happen this year, my birthday was the day after Labor Day, but we did still celebrate with a BBQ on Sunday.

There were kids, happy to run around the yard and play...



There were hamburgers on the grill, carrot cake and my favorite, banana walnut ice cream!

And there were pictures of me and my nearly-27 week pregnant belly...

On Monday we were all off from work and school, so we headed up to the mountains for the afternoon and our favorite pie shop. Danny packed us a lunch of turkey sandwiches and SunChips and we ate in the shade of a big tree. Afterwards, we walked to our favorite candy shop for our usual sample tasting of wasabi peanuts, boysenberry cider and pretzels dipped in spicy mustard. We bought a jug of cider, a packet of licorice and the kids picked out some chocolate-peanut butter candy for my birthday.



Me & Danny

It was warm and humid and we had a few sprinkles on us. Turns out, back in our city (45 minutes away) it was pouring rain! Lucky us, being able to avoid that.


We stood in the long line at the pie shop and got our favorite apple-boysenberry with a side of cinnamon ice cream. There were, of course, many goofy faces and much silliness. Seems I can't take a photo lately without one or all of the kids making the goofiest face!


The Girl has had this front tooth that's been wiggly for over two weeks, yet she just couldn't bring herself to pull it out.


The Boy had been ITCHING to get his hands on that tooth. If it had been The Boy, he would have yanked it the moment he felt the slightest little wiggle!

The Boy, reaching in for his chance at the tooth

When we got home that evening, Danny & I heard a ruckus upstairs and then moments later, cheering. The kids came down, chanting, "He pulled the tooth! He pulled the tooth!".

PhotobucketThe kids reenact the tooth-pulling


And there it was, a big ol' gap where that tooth had been hanging by a thread.

The new tooth, permanent tooth is already making its appearance through the gums!


Kelly said...

Cyber-running your cute baby belly! And M'mmmmm Cinnamon ice cream!!

Kelly said...

Er, ruBBing. LOL