Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You Belong in the Zoo

This weekend we took a break from working-around-the-home stuff and had some fun in the sun!

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I had won two San Diego Safari Park tickets in a radio contest a few months ago and then was able to get the kid's tickets on a Living Social deal and saved about $30 that way. It was a pretty day, nice and sunny but not terribly hot.

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Mapping out the day.

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Watching the gorilla mama and her almost-two-year old baby

Baby D was not impressed with the safari tram tour. He just wanted to snack on granola bars and Craisins the entire time. The giraffes were plentiful and he liked watching them briefly but I think they weren't close enough for him to realize that these were "real" giraffes. There weren't any elephants on the safari this time...I could have sworn they used to have elephants.

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Baby D loved the goats.

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On the playground with Daddy.

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Hanging out on the playground.

One of the coolest things that the kids did was walk through the lorikeet aviary. I love birds, I think they are so beautiful and I actually collect bird things. However, I cannot be around an un-caged bird, it's my phobia. So the baby and I waited outside the aviary while The Boy and The Girl went inside with Danny and one cup of nectar.

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A heap of lorakeet

The keeper was adamant that only one of the kids feed the birds, something about transferring germs or something so only The Girl held the cup. We are planning a trip to Sea World in a few weeks and promised The Boy a tray of sardines for him to feed to the seals!

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I did suck up the bird phobia and we attended the Frequent Fliers Bird Show. The Boy wanted to sit high but I remembered that the birds swoop really low over the crowd so I told him we had to sit closer to the stage and fortunately we picked a good spot...a great view of the show but no birds over my head! The baby loved this show too, cheering and clapping in all the right spots.

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Keeping cool in hats and shades

After more walking and a stop at the animal nursery, we left the park and drove down the road for lunch (Mexican food at the taco shop, yum!).

Came home and got back to busy on the house. We unloaded a ton of sewing and craft stuff from my parent's garage, set up my studio in our garage and pretty soon I'll be ready for crafting again! We are really coming along with the house, I'll share some photos soon. We hung our first artwork on the wall last night. Now I just need to convince Danny that we need to paint soon too...

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