Empty meant that I could shape it how I wanted and add the flowers I chose instead of having to remove anything I didn't want.
A fundraiser for flower bulbs at my son's school came right on time. I bought a hosta, day lilies and gladiolus, put them in the ground and waited.
We didn't have to wait long. The bulbs shot up quickly. We filled in the spaces with a few Home Depot purchases and some succulents bought at Costco. My husband spread in some seeds that were given to us by a friend. We thought they were gazania but the viney tendency and the round leaves show me otherwise, so it's a mystery plant for now until it flowers! She also gave us some ornamental garlic, we put in a jade plant (which doesn't seem to have grown a bit, weird!) and there are two mystery plants that came up that must have been planted by the former owners.

We still desperately need some "charm" around these windows. I'd love little built-in pergolas or at the very least, shutters.
Unfortunately when we move to the back, not much is going on. We're all still dirt back there, nothing more to show.

We planted these and goofy-me, I didn't realize that when I bought these pots, they didn't have drainage holes!! These rotted out, booo!!! The succulents around the edge survived and the ornamental grass but the rest were a lost cause. Fortunately Home Depot has a great return policy and we were able to take them back and get replacements.

My husband is working with someone to get the backyard landscaped. We are considering artificial grass in the upper section so the kids can play on it and we won't have to worry about mowing or watering. We'll see, things are moving slowly in that area.
These roses were bought by my husband but it got me to thinking. Maybe we need some rosebushes!

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