Monday, June 11, 2012

Ups & Downs

Life has its ups and downs lately.


Baby D is starting to become more mobile. He started sitting up alone this week (though he still falls over frequently). He's not quite crawling yet but he's wiggling around the room and starting to get into things. Gone are the days of leaving him to lay on a blanket. My husband came downstairs this weekend to find the baby across the room, eating a pair of cardboard 3-D glasses from a DVD!


Also gone are the days of sleeping through the night. He's been waking between two and three a.m. to nurse. Fortunately he goes right back to sleep afterwards. I've been bringing him to my bed to sleep until the alarm clock goes off. Probably not the best habit to start, but a sleepy gal's got to do what she's got to do!


Baby D is starting to realize his own power, including phoney coughing, fake crying when I lay him down and blowing bubbles when I put a spoonful of food in his mouth, yuck. I would expect that dropping his cup from his highchair and throwing toys to get a laugh from his brother and sister will be coming soon!


Earlier this week he threw a fit when I took away a piece of paper from him. It was a full blown, arched-back fit, complete with a red-faced shriek. How did he learn to do that already?


He's developing a personality already. And we're experiencing a little of that vinegar along with the honey! Just as we already know the temperament of the older two, it will be interesting to see how this little one develops over the years.


He's already surprising us everyday!

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