Thursday, June 21, 2012

7 months


Technically I'm jumping the gun a bit here as he won't be seven months old until Monday but I have these sweet photos to share and Baby D deserves an update because a lot has been developing in the last few weeks.

As you can see, he's sitting up unsupported by himself for long periods of time. He still occasionally does the "weeble-wobble" thing and tips himself over but he just rolls over and scoots around. He's actually pretty close to being able to move from a push up position into a seated position.


Just yesterday he started really crawling on his hands and knees completely. He's deliberate, with big dinosaur-like hand movements and it's adorable to watch! He moved about 3 feet with his tummy completely off the ground.

And while Danny and I were chatting in the kitchen he crawled around our armchair and destroyed a page out of my new Martha Stewart Living...but I think he had a good time doing it!


He's definitely got a good appetite and rubs his lips together, fusses and says, "Mmmmm" anytime anyone is eating and not sharing with him! He's eating a good amount of puree every night now and I'm giving him soft bits (like smushed peas) to chew in his gums. I have some baby rice crackers that I break up and give him too but he doesn't have the pincher grasp yet so he doesn't know how to pick up the pieces. Good for not eating carpet lint, not so good when I'm trying to get him to feed himself!


He has started giving hugs too, but only to me. When I pick him up after a long day apart from each other, he will bury his head in my neck, scrunch up his little body and say, "Ahhhh!"
Totally heart melting!

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