Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Spare Time

Baby D is currently laying on a blanket on the floor next to me, squealing and shouting. I think he's just discovered his voice because he's definitely been very vocal this week, lots of cooing, which I love!


Sweet, crooked smile

In my spare time (ha! Not much of that lately!), I've been sewing dollies with some of my scrap fabric. I have so much fabric, I have to get through it somehow!

Tinkerbell, who still needs a bit of work to be shop-ready

I'm going to list them on Etsy as soon as I have the first one done. It's a Tinkerbell dolly and I've had a great time going through my scraps and fun little trims to create her! I have plans for making pillowcases, nightgowns and lounging pants that I'll list eventually too.

I really did expect to have more spare time since I'm home on my leave with Baby D. However, when I'm not holding him, changing him or nursing him, I'm trying to get household stuff done, like grocery shopping, bill-paying, bathroom-cleaning, or as you see here, the neverending mountain of laundry washed.


Fortunately Baby D is a good sport about being dragged out in the laundry basket!


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