Well, this is something that is on going for me. I am a great crafter but cleaning up after the project is not my "thing". When my husband starts tossing around the "H" word (as in hoarder!), I know it's time for a deep cleaning! I do like a place for everything and everything in its place, so I definitely try and stay on top of organizing year-round.
And it makes me feel good to know where things are when I need them. I feel super-organized when Danny is looking for something and I can say, "It's on the top shelf, next to the green box with receipts" and it's actually there!
Plus, I LOVE using my label maker!!
Earlier this year, I organized the kitchen cabinets.

I am happy to report that these are still very well organized. I've added more cereal containers and also some additional Rubbermaid storage for things like dried lentils and dried fruit that we buy in bulk. Much more orderly and less likely to spill when they are in containers versus the plastic bags with twist-ties.

This photo was from earlier this year when I first organized this area. My plastic storage ware bin isn't quite as orderly anymore. I generally like to pair up the lids with the containers and stack them neatly in the bin. However, it's too hard to do this while unloading the dishwasher and also holding a newborn so the Tupperware usually gets tossed in unceremoniously!

My desk is also still well organized. I take a few minutes each week to clear off the desk top of mail/school papers/coupons and sort them where they need to go...usually into the trash.
After all the Christmas gifts had been unwrapped and the realization hit about the physical location that these toys would go, the kid's bedroom gained a shelving unit. It's fantastic!! It came with storage bins for smaller random things and larger items can be stored on the shelves or on top!

The nursery/sewing room is still a challenge and will still require some work. Fortunately Baby D isn't sleeping in here yet. I took a few hours this past week while he napped to rearrange my sewing and crafting supplies.

sewing space, before
Danny turned this shelving unit at a more reachable angle and I went to work with my label maker and storage boxes. There was much weeding out of unneeded supplies and I feel so much better! Now I know just where to look when I need glue...or scrap paper...or elastic...or fabric paint (dang, I have a lot of stuff, but I really do use it all!).

sewing space, after

Scrap fabrics are in a bin under the unit. Too bad I still have to store all my fabric yardage at my parent's house, but I just don't have the space for it here.
The other half of the sewing space holds the nursery. We don't yet have the crib, but there is a desk/changing table, glider chair and dresser.

changing table, before
I would have loved to paint the matching desk and dresser but apparently it's a crime to paint oak (according to my mother & husband, at least). I think it's so 1970s ugly (especially those brass handles), but I'll have to learn to live with it...

changing table, after

I'll post more about the nursery room projects later!